The top toolbar contains the buttons associated to motion programming dialogues.
The “Motion – Trapezoidal Profiles“allows you to program a positioning path described through a series of points. Each point specifies the desired Position and Time, i.e. contains a PT data. Between the points the built-in reference generator performs a linear interpolation
The “Motion – S-curve Profiles” allows you to program a position profile with an S-curve shape of the speed. This shape is due to the jerk limitation, leading to a trapezoidal or triangular profile for the acceleration and an S-curve profile for the speed.
The “Motion - PT” allows you to program an arbitrary profile whose contour is described by a succession of linear segments
The “Motion – PVT” allows you to program a positioning path described through a series of points. Each point specifies the desired Position, Velocity and Time, i.e. contains a PVT data. Between the points the built-in reference generator performs a 3rd order interpolation
The “Motion – External” allows you to program the drives/motors to work with external reference provided by another device
The “Motion – Electronic Gearing” dialogue allows you to set the drives as master or a slave for electronic gearing mode.
The “Motion – Electronic Camming” dialogue allows you to set the drives as master or a slave for electronic camming mode.
The “Motor Commands” allows you to apply one of following commands to the motor: activate/deactivate the control loops and the power stage PWM output commands (AXISON / AXISOFF), stop the motor with acceleration/deceleration set, change the value of the motor position and position reference
The “Motion – Position Triggers” dialogue allows you to define 4 position trigger points
The “Motion - Contouring” allows you to program an arbitrary contour via a series of points. Between the points, linear interpolation is performed, leading to a contour described by a succession of linear segments.
The "Test" dialogue allows you to set the drives/motors in a special test configuration.
The “Events” allows you to define an event to be monitored and to perform several actions.
The “Jumps and Function Calls” allows you to control the TML program flow through unconditional or conditional jumps and unconditional, conditional or cancelable calls of TML functions.
The “I/O” allows you program operations with the digital inputs and outputs of the drives/motors.
The “16-bit Integer Data” helps you to program an assignment operation through which you can set the value of a 16-bit variable or set a memory location with a 16-bit immediate value or the value of a 16-bit variable.
The “32-bit Long or Fixed Data” helps you to program an assignment operation through which you can set the value of a 32-bit variable, set the low part (16LSB) or the high part (16MSB) of a 32-bit variable with a 16-bit value / variable value, set a memory location with a 32-bit immediate value or the value of a 32-bit variable.
The “Arithmetic Operations” helps you to program one of the arithmetic operations accepted by the TML (Technosoft Motion Language): addition, subtraction, product or shifting.
The “Data Transfer Between Axis” helps you to program the data transfer operations between drives that are connected in a network.
The “Send Data to Host” dialogue allows you to choose what information is sent by the drive automatically. You can send information about status register, error register or variables.
The “Miscellaneous” dialogue allows you to declare new variables, reset FAULT status, insert a END instruction, insert an NOP instruction, set the baud rates for the Serial Communication Interface (SCI) used for RS-232 and RS-485, set the baud rates for the CAN communication.
The “TML Interrupt Settings” allows you to activate and/or deactivate the TML (Technosoft Motion Language) interrupts
The “Free text” opens a dialogue where you can freely insert comments or TML instructions in the current position.
Once the parameters have been entered, a "motion sequence" is created. Such a sequence represents a macro-instruction to which one or more specific TML instructions correspond. The EasyMotion Studio automatically generates the TML code for these motion sequences.
The right toolbar contains buttons used for the motion sequences management.
Edit. Pressing this button, the dialogue associated with the selected motion sequence opens, allowing changing the motion parameters.
Insert. Allows you choose a new motion sequence to be inserted.
Duplicate. Duplicate the selected motion sequence.
Move Down. Moves down the selected motion sequence.
Move Up. Moves up the selected motion sequence.
Delete. Delete the selected motion sequence.
Group. The button allows you to group the selected motion sequences in a new object containing all the selected motion objects. You can give a name or title to the grouped object. This embedding process can be performed in consecutive steps. Any grouped object is displayed with a leading [+] symbol. Click on the [+] symbol to expand the grouped object content to the next embedding level. The leading [+] symbol transforms into a leading [-] symbol. Click the [-] symbol to group back the expended object. Successive embedded levels are accepted.
Ungroup. Use the “Ungroup” command to restore the motion objects list instead of the group object.
Enable. For debugging, you have the possibility to remove motion sequences (one or more motion objects) from the motion program like commenting lines in a text program. Use the the “Enable” button to uncomment / enable motion sequences.
Disable. For debugging, you have the possibility to remove motion sequences (one or more motion objects) from the motion program like commenting lines in a text program. Use the “Disable” button to comment / disable motion sequences.
Import. Use the “Import” button to load/insert motion objects previously saved in *.msq files. These are appended below the current position e.g. the immediately after the selected motion object.
Export. You can select a part of your program (one or more motion objects) and save it in a separate motion file, using the "Export" button. The operation saves the selected motion objects in a file with extension *.msq.