Send Data to Host

The “Send Data to Host” dialogue allows you to program when the drive/motor will send messages to your host. The message transmission can be triggered by:

Conditions which change the status or error registers
The execution of a dedicated TML command from your TML program. Through this command you can send to your host the contents of any TML data

In the first case, you can select the status or the error register bits, which will trigger a message when are changed. The selection is done via masks, one for each register, where for each bit you can choose if to trigger or not a transmission when it is changed.

When the transmission is triggered by a bit change in a status register SRH (high part) or SRL (low part), the message sent contains these 2 registers grouped together as a single 32-bit register/data. When the transmission is triggered by a bit change in the error register MER, the message sent contains this register.


In the Host address write the axis ID of the host.

Check Status Register to enable transmission on status register bit changes. From the right list, select a bit whose change you want to trigger a message transmission and press the [ < ] button. The selected bit will appear on the left list. Repeat the operation for the other bits. Use the button [<<] to select all the bits. Choose a bit from the left list and press the [ > ] button to move it back to the right list. Use the [>>] button to remove all the bits from the left list.

Check Error Register to enable transmission on error register bit changes. From the right list, select a bit whose change you want to trigger a message transmission and press the [ < ] button. The selected bit will appear on the left list. Repeat the operation for the other bits. Use the button [<<] to select all the bits. Choose a bit from the left list and press the [ > ] button to move it back to the right list. Use the [>>] button to remove all the bits from the left list.

Remark: After power on, the 2 masks are empty i.e. none of the status or error bits is selected to trigger a transmission on change.

Check Send contents of variable and indicate the name of the TML data to be sent when this TML command is executed. The TML data can be any 16-bit or 32-bit data: TML registers, parameters, variable or user variables.

Remark: By default, at power on, the host address is set equal with the drive/motor axis ID. Therefore, the messages will be sent via RS-232 serial communication. If the host address is different from the drive/motor axis ID, the messages are sent via the other communication channels: CAN bus, RS485, etc.

See also:

Messages sent to the host – TML Programming Details

Motion Programming