Event Type

The “Event Type” dialogue allows you to select an event. An event is a programmable condition, which once set, is monitored for occurrence.

The “Event Type” dialogue may be opened from:

Events dialogue:

                                       Event Type – called from Events dialogue


One of the following motion dialogues: Trapezoidal Profiles, S-curve Profiles, PT, PVT, External, Electronic Gearing, Electronic Camming, Contouring, Test:

                                       Event Type – called from a motion dialogue


The events are grouped into 8 categories:

None/ When a previously defined event occurs. The meaning of this case depends from where the “Event Type” dialogue was opened:

None – appears when the dialogue is opened from the “Events” dialogue. Check this item if you have already defined an event and now you want to: a) program a stop when the event occurs and/or b) wait for the programmed event to occur.
When a previously defined event occurs – appears when the dialogue is opened from one of the motion dialogues (see above). Check this item if you have already defined an event (in a previous motion sequence) and now you want to start the actual motion sequence when this event occurs.

When actual motion is completed – for programming the event:  when the actual motion is completed.

Function of motor or load position – for programming the events: when the absolute or relative motor or load position is equal or over/under a value or the value of a variable.

Function of motor or load speed – for programming the events: when the motor or load speed is equal or over/under a value or the value of a variable.

After a wait time – for programming a time delay, using a time event. The monitored event is: when the relative time is equal with a value or the value of a variable

Function of reference – for programming the events: when the position or speed or torque reference is equal or over/under a value or the value of a variable.

Function of inputs status – for programming the events: when capture inputs or limit switch inputs or general purpose inputs change status: low to high or high to low.

Function of a variable value – for programming the events: when a selected variable is equal or over/under a value or the value of another variable.


OK: Close this dialogue and save selected event

Cancel: Close this dialogue without saving the selected event

Help: Open this help page.


See also:


Motion Programming