Events – Function of reference. Related TML Instructions and Data

Setting any of these events allows you to detect when the position or speed or torque reference is equal or over/under a value or the value of a variable. Use:

Position reference events, only when position control is performed
Speed reference events, only when speed control is performed
Torque reference events, only when torque control is performed

Remark: Setting an event based on the position or speed reference is particularly useful for open loop operation where motor position and speed is not available


TPOSTarget load position – position reference computed by the reference generator at each slow loop sampling period, when position or speed control is performed. Measured in position units
TSPDTarget load speed – speed reference computed by the reference generator at each slow loop sampling period, when position or speed control is performed. Measured in speed units
IQREFCurrent reference – Measured in current units

TREF        Target reference. It is a:

Position reference, when position control is performed
Speed reference, when speed control is performed
Current/torque reference, when torque control is performed
Voltage reference, when voltage control is performed

Function of the control mode, it is measured in position units or speed units or current units or voltage command units


!PROvalue32Set event if position reference is equal or over value32. Value32 is a long integer value. Measured in position units
!PROvar32Set event if position reference is equal or over var32. Var32 is a long integer TML parameter or variable. Measured in position units
!PRUvalue32Set event if position reference is equal or under value32. Value32 is a long integer value. Measured in position units
!PRUvar32Set event if position reference is equal or under var32. Var32 is a long integer TML parameter or variable. Measured in position units
!SROvalue32Set event when speed reference is equal or over value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in speed units
!SROvar32Set event when speed reference is equal or over var32. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in speed units
!SRUvalue32Set event when speed reference is equal or under value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in speed units
!SRUvar32Set event when torque reference is equal or under var32. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in speed units
!TROvalue32Set event when torque reference is equal or over value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in current units
!TROvar32Set event when speed reference is equal or over var32. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in current units
!TRUvalue32Set event when torque reference is equal or under value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in current units
!TRUvar32Set event when speed reference is equal or under var32. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in current units
UPD!Update the motion mode and/or the motion parameters when the programmed event occurs
STOP!Stop motion with the acceleration/deceleration set in CACC, when the programmed event occurs
WAIT! value16Wait until the programmed event occurs. If the command is followed by value16, the wait ends after the time interval specified in this 16-bit integer value. Value16 is measured in time units

Programming Example

// Motor will reach a hard stop. Disable control when torque

// reference > 1 A = 1984 internal current units

!TRO 1984.0; // set event when torque reference > 1 A

WAIT!;//Wait until the event occurs

AXISOFF; // disable control

See also:

Events – When the actual motion is completed. Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of motor or load position Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of motor or load speed Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – After a wait time Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of inputs status Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of 32-bit variable value Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – TML Programming Details