Events – Function of motor or load speed. Related TML Instructions and Data

Setting any of these events allows you to detect when the load or motor speed is equal or over/under a value or the value of a variable.


ASPD_LD        Actual load speed – measured in speed units

APOS_MT        Actual motor position. Measured in motor position units.

ASPD_MTActual motor speed. Measured in motor speed units. Alternate name: ASPD


!MSOvalue32Set event when motor speed is equal or over value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in motor speed units
!MSOvar32Set event when motor speed is equal or over var2. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in motor speed units
!LSOvalue32Set event when load speed is equal or over value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in speed units
!LSOvar32Set event when load speed is equal or over var2. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in speed units
!MSUvalue32Set event when motor speed is equal or under value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in motor speed units
!MSUvar32Set event when motor speed is equal or under var2. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in motor speed units
!LSUvalue32Set event when load speed is equal or under value32. Value32 is a fixed value. Measured in speed units
!LSUvar32Set event when load speed is equal or under var2. Var32 is a fixed TML parameter or variable. Measured in speed units
UPD!Update the motion mode and/or the motion parameters when the programmed event occurs
STOP!Stop motion with the acceleration/deceleration set in CACC, when the programmed event occurs
WAIT! value16Wait until the programmed event occurs. If the command is followed by value16, the wait ends after the time interval specified in this 16-bit integer value. Value16 is measured in time units

Programming Example

//Motor is decelerating. Start a position profile when motor

//speed <= 600 rpm

//Position feedback: 500 lines encoder (2000 counts/rev)

!MSU 20; //Set event: when motor speed is <= 600 rpm

// prepare new motion mode

CACC = 0.3183;//acceleration rate = 1000[rad/s^2]

CSPD = 100;//slew speed = 3000[rpm]

CPOS = 20000;//position command = 10[rot]

CPR; //position command is relative


TUM1; //set Target Update Mode 1

UPD!; //execute on event

WAIT!;//Wait until the event occurs

See also:

Events – When the actual motion is completed. Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of motor or load position Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – After a wait time Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of reference Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of inputs status Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – Function of 32-bit variable value Related TML Instructions and Data

Events – TML Programming Details