Applications notes structures

This document presents the application notes structure and some using tips.

Most of the application notes includes a PDF file and a demo project.

The PDF file contains a short description of the respective application note, the application flow chart, a code overview and a detailed description of the TML application implementation.

The demo project (an “*” file) contains the TML program described in the PDF file.

Start  modes description

This application note describes the available start modes.

The start modes are special procedures required to align the magnetic fields in the motor.

How to use the predefined homing methods

The homing methods are special functions used to align the load with a known position. This is necessary in case of the applications where the motion is restricted and the system is not equipped with an absolute position sensor.

This application note describes how to use the homing methods predefined in Easy Motion Studio and exemplifies it using the “Homing method 18 – Homing to the positive limit switch”.

Home the axis to the middle of the working area

This application note describes how to implement a homing routine, using a function that aligns the load to the middle of the working area.

The homing procedure follows the algorithm below:

  • move negative until the negative limit switch is reached;
  • stop and set the current position to 0 [IU];
  • move positive until the positive limit switch is reached;
  • move to the middle of the working area;
  • set this position as the system home position.

Drive special inputs – Limit switches

This application note describes the limit switches inputs default behavior and how it can be disabled, to use these special inputs as general purpose inputs.

Inside this application note is also shown how the load movement can be restricted using the software limit switches.

Drive special inputs – ENABLE

The ENABLE input is continuous monitored by the drive firmware. When it switches to the active level, the drive PWM outputs are deactivated, the bit 15 in the MER error register (“Enable is inactive”) is set to 1 and the “int0 – Enable input has changed” interrupt routine is executed.

When the ENABLE input status changes to the inactive state, the bit 15 in the MER error register is reset but the PWM outputs remain deactivated. There is only one exception: if the drive was executing an electronic gearing profile, when the ENABLE input became active, then after the ENABLE input will switch back to the inactive state, the drive power stage and the electronic gearing mode will be enabled automatically.

Motion start/stop using two digital inputs

This application note describes how to use two digital inputs (IN0 and IN1), to start/stop the motor movement.

How to build a TML loop with motion profiles and events

This application note describes how to create a loop, using a label and a “GOTO” TML instruction.

For example purpose, this loop contains two motion profiles, conditioned by two time events.

How to call a TML function from a master

This application note describes how to create a TML function and call it from an RS232, a CANOpen or an EtherCAT master.

How to activate and customize the TML interrupt services routines

This application note describes how to activate and customize the TML interrupt services routines, using an example that sets the “Int 10 – Time period has elapsed” interrupt, to flash a LED, connected to one of the drive digital outputs.

The TML interrupts are special functions that are continuously monitored by the drive firmware.
When a TML interrupt occurs, the main TML program execution is suspended and the TML code associated with the interrupt, called Interrupt Service Routine (in short ISR), is executed.

While an interrupt is active, the other interrupts are deactivated. That is why, it is recommended to keep the ISR as short as possible. If this is not possible, then the other interrupts should be re-enabled using the “Interrupts Settings” dialogue (will be presented in chapter 4).

On the fly changing of the current limit / run current

This application note describes how to compute and change the current limit / run current parameter.

The current limit is an user definable parameter and represents the maximum allowed current reference used by the drive to control the motor.

The current limit value is set during the setup phase, through the “Drive Setup” dialog. Considering its purpose, it should be set higher than the motor nominal current, to allow high dynamic movements, but slightly lower than the motor peak current.

How to restore the drive after a fault

This application presents an example on how to restore drive operation after a fault state.

Default behavior in case of an error:

  • Switch off green LED
  • Switch on red LED
  • Cutoff drive PWM outputs and disable the controllers
  • Terminate the execution of the TML program.

Proposed recovery sequence:

  • Switch off the green LED
  • Switch on the red LED
  • Cutoff drive PWM outputs
  • Wait until the error condition disappears
  • Program the motor to hold its current position
  • Re-activate the drive PWM outputs
  • Switch off the red LED and switch on the green LED
  • Resume the main program and process the commands received from the master.

The application uses the software protection interrupt, which monitors the following software protections:

  • Over current;
  • Over temperature – drive (where a temperature sensor is available);
  • Over voltage;
  • Under voltage;

An easiest way to evaluate this application is to trigger an over-voltage. This can be done by decreasing the over-voltage protection threshold value under the supply voltage value. The parameter that stores the over voltage protection threshold value is called “UMAXPROT”. It can be modified online from the Command Interpreter window in EasyMotion Studio. For details, see the chapter 4.3.

This application describes how to download a software file with the EEPROM Programmer from the command line in Windows.

Software file programming from command line