Memory Setting

The Memory Settings dialogue allows you to customize the memory space reserved for different sections of your application as well as where the TML program is loaded and executed. The memory settings refer to 2 types of memories: RAM and EEPROM.


The RAM memory has an area reserved for PVT / PT buffer followed by a customizable area. This is typically used for the Logger data acquisitions and to store the cam tables during runtime. It may also be used to temporary store TML programs.

The EEPROM memory has an area reserved for the setup table preceded by a customizable area. This is used to store the TML programs and the cam tables.

The exact amount of EEPROM memory is specific for each drive/motor.

In the CAM Tables section, you can adjust the space reserved for the cam tables selected to be used in your application. The cam tables are first downloaded into the EEPROM memory and at runtime are copied into the RAM memory. Therefore, the cam tables’ space is reserved in both RAM and EEPROM memories. You can find how much of the space reserved is really occupied by the cam tables from the CAM Tables View which shows you at Buffer Free Space the remaining space reserved for cam tables.

If your application doesn’t use cam tables you can free the space reserved to increase the space allocated for data acquisition.

In the TML program section, you can choose where to download and execute the TML program. Typically you download and execute the TML program in the non-volatile EEPROM from, starting from its first location (4000h) which is checked at power on in the AUTORUN mode.

If your configuration includes an absolute encoder with position read via SSI or EnDat protocols, the TML program MUST be downloaded into the EEPROM and executed from the RAM. In these cases, when the TML program executes the ENDINIT command, the EEPROM memory can no longer be accessed. Therefore, for these configurations, EasyMotion Studio automatically adds to your TML program a copy sequence which is executed immediately as the TML program starts to run. The copy sequence, copies your TML program from the EEPROM memory into the RAM memory and then it passes the control. The whole process is transparent for the user, whose only obligation is to set the download address in the EEPROM and the run address in the RAM.

For test purposes, you can also download and run the TML programs from the RAM memory. This option speeds up the download process and may be useful if your TML program is large and you intend to execute a lot of tests.


See also:

Project Concept

Memory Map