Logger - Variables

Use this dialogue to select the variables to acquire for plotting. You can select any variable. All the variables selected will be saved into the drive/motor memory at some predefined moments. The total number of acquisitions points (“Acquisitions No” value) depends on the drive/motor memory available for data logging storage. Also in this dialog you can select the data logging moments. The data logging process may be: triggered by user, done in position/speed control loop (default), or into the current loop. You can select to acquire data at each sampling loop or from n to n samplings.


From this dialogue you can:

Select where to perform the data logging (“Data logger active in” box):
Triggered by user (available only for some products)
in the Position/Speed control loop (slow sampling loop) - default
in the Current control loop (fast sampling loop). To be used with care, since it can impose to the processor a too big overhead, and thus can affect the behavior of the motion system.
See the location and size of the data acquisition buffer (“Acquisition Buffer” box), depending on the memory available in your system. The memory location and size can’t be changed directly, they result from the memory setting dialogue.
Define the number of points to store (“Acquisition Number” parameter). Note that the maximum value of this parameter is related to the size of the data acquisition buffer, as well as to the number of variables in the list. The “Free buffer space” value can be used to estimate the remaining amount of memory available for data logging.
Choose the interval of data logging (“Save logged data at every” box). You can select if the data logging will be performed at each x control loops.
Manage the list of variables to be stored. You can:
add variables to the list. Select the variable from New Variable drop-down list and press “Add” button.
delete variables from the list. Select the variable and use the “Delete” button to delete a variable selected in the list, or the “Delete All” button to delete all the variables from the list.


See also:

Data Logger Utility

Memory Settings