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Technosoft Motion Language (TML) works with the following categories of data:

  • TML Registers
  • TML Parameters
  • TML Variables
  • User Variables

All TML data are identified by their name. The names of the TML registers, parameters or variables are predefined and do not require to be declared. The names of the user variables are can be any string of characters that starts with a letter or underscore. The name of the variable can have up to 32 characters. The user variables must be declared in EasyMotion Studio before they are used.

The following data types are available in TML:

  • int – 16-bit signed integer
  • uint – 16-bit unsigned integer
  • fixed – 32-bit fixed-point data with the 16MSB for the integer part and the 16LS for the fractional part.
  • long – 32-bit signed integer
  • ulong – 32-bit unsigned integer

1. All TML variables, parameters, registers and user variables are global, i.e can be accessed from any part of a TML program (main, functions or interrupts).
2. The data type uint or ulong are reserved for the TML predefined data. The user-defined variables are always signed. Hence you may declare them of type: int, fixed or long.
An unsigned TML data means that its value is interpreted as unsigned in the firmware. Typical examples: register values, time-related variables, protection limits for signals that may have only positive values like temperature or supply voltage, etc. However, the same data will interpreted as signed if it is used in a TML instruction whose operands are treated as signed values.

TML Data (Register, Parameters and Variables) v191222-1.pdf

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