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In TML, the fractional numbers (usually stored in 32 bits fixed variables) are represented (in hex) using the “16.16” format.
According to this format, to get the hex value of a fractional number, the first step is to multiply the fractional number with 65536. The result will be rounded or truncated and cast to a 32 bits signed integer value, that can be converted to hexadecimal.

+4.6 = 4.6 (FLOAT) * 65536 = 301465.6
The result can be rounded or truncated to an integer number.
Assuming that it was truncated to 301465 and cast to a 32 bits signed integer (INTEGER32), the hexadecimal value is: 0x00049999.

-3.3 IU = -3.3 (FLOAT) * 65536 = -216268.8
After the result is truncate to -216268 and cast to a 32 bits signed integer (INTEGER32), the resulted hex value is: 0xFFFCB334.

For more details regarding the Fixed Point Maths, please follow the link below.

Next The negative numbers representation in hex