11 09, 2018

TML instructions list


TML (short from Technosoft Motion Language) is a high-level motion programming language built for Technosoft intelligent drives and motors. It allows building complex motion applications locally, on each drive, leaving only the high level of motion application on the master device (EtherCAT / CANopen / custom made). The TML instruction code consists of 1 to [...]

TML instructions list2024-05-27T13:29:27+00:00
11 09, 2018

Scaling factors for the Drive Supply Voltage and Drive Temperature parameters


The drive supply voltage can be read through the AD4 parameter (uint@0x240) and the drive temperature through the AD7 parameter (uint@0x243). The returned values are expressed in IU (drive internal units). To convert them to volts and respective to degrees Celsius, the following scaling factors needs to be applied. 1. Drive Supply Voltage Voltage_measured [V] = (VdcMaxMeasurable/65520) * Voltage_measured [IU] Where VdcMaxMeasurable is [...]

Scaling factors for the Drive Supply Voltage and Drive Temperature parameters2018-09-11T14:21:42+00:00