11 09, 2018

How to disable the transmission of PVT status to the host


In order to stop the unrequested messages sent by the drive to the host when in PVT mode, the user need to set the PVTSENDOFF variable to 1. Add the line "PVTSENDOFF = 1;" at the beginning of his program and the drive will no longer send the PVTSTS to the host.

How to disable the transmission of PVT status to the host2018-09-11T14:26:29+00:00
11 09, 2018

TML Registers, Parameters and Variables


Technosoft Motion Language (TML) works with the following categories of data: TML Registers TML Parameters TML Variables User Variables All TML data are identified by their name. The names of the TML registers, parameters or variables are predefined and do not require to be declared. The names of the user variables are can be any [...]

TML Registers, Parameters and Variables2024-05-27T13:26:05+00:00
11 09, 2018

Parameters related to the current, speed and position controllers


The current, speed or position controllers parameters can be changed online through the following parameters: 1. Current controller The proportional gain components Address KPI 0x0271 SFTKPI 0x0272   The formula used to compute the Kp parameter is:   Kp = KPI / 32767 * 2^SFTKPI where: KPI = 0 .... 32767 SFTKPI = 0 ... 14 The integral [...]

Parameters related to the current, speed and position controllers2023-02-15T08:12:39+00:00
11 09, 2018

PVT buffer location and size


The PVT buffer is stored in the RAM memory of the drive. Apart from storing the PVT points, the RAM memory contains also the data acquired with the Logger and the CAM tables. The amount of memory available and the addresses of various memory sections depend on the drive and can be visualized in Memory [...]

PVT buffer location and size2023-02-14T15:34:53+00:00
11 09, 2018

Absolute position reading on the iMOT intelligent motors


The iMOT intelligent motors use a magnetic encoder that outputs quadrature signals but additionally, it can also output the motor absolute position, on one mechanical turn. The absolute position is saved in the controller RAM memory, at the address 0x222 and goes from 0 to 4096. To read it, the following TML code sequence can [...]

Absolute position reading on the iMOT intelligent motors2018-09-11T14:22:27+00:00
11 09, 2018

TML instructions list


TML (short from Technosoft Motion Language) is a high-level motion programming language built for Technosoft intelligent drives and motors. It allows building complex motion applications locally, on each drive, leaving only the high level of motion application on the master device (EtherCAT / CANopen / custom made). The TML instruction code consists of 1 to [...]

TML instructions list2024-05-27T13:29:27+00:00
11 09, 2018

Scaling factors for the Drive Supply Voltage and Drive Temperature parameters


The drive supply voltage can be read through the AD4 parameter (uint@0x240) and the drive temperature through the AD7 parameter (uint@0x243). The returned values are expressed in IU (drive internal units). To convert them to volts and respective to degrees Celsius, the following scaling factors needs to be applied. 1. Drive Supply Voltage Voltage_measured [V] = (VdcMaxMeasurable/65520) * Voltage_measured [IU] Where VdcMaxMeasurable is [...]

Scaling factors for the Drive Supply Voltage and Drive Temperature parameters2018-09-11T14:21:42+00:00
11 09, 2018

The negative numbers representation in hex


The hexadecimal value of a negative decimal number can be obtained starting from the binary value of that decimal number positive value. The binary value needs to be negated and then, to add 1. The result (converted to hex) represents the hex value of the respective negative decimal number. The example below shows how to [...]

The negative numbers representation in hex2023-02-14T15:32:32+00:00
11 09, 2018

Fractional numbers reperentation using the 16.16 format


In TML, the fractional numbers (usually stored in 32 bits fixed variables) are represented (in hex) using the "16.16" format. According to this format, to get the hex value of a fractional number, the first step is to multiply the fractional number with 65536. The result will be rounded or truncated and cast to a [...]

Fractional numbers reperentation using the 16.16 format2018-09-11T14:20:53+00:00