11 09, 2018

Special inputs on Technosoft drives


Most Technosoft drives have 3 special inputs: Limit Switch Positive (LSP), Limit Switch Negative (LSN) and ENABLE *. LSP / LSN inputs prevent movements outside of the working area that is defined by the limit switches. The motor will be stopped if it's moving positive and the LSP input becomes active or when it's moving negative and the LSN [...]

Special inputs on Technosoft drives2023-02-14T15:26:49+00:00
11 09, 2018

How to disable the ‘ENABLE’ input default functionality and use it as general I/Os


The default functionality associated to ENABLE input is to disable the power stage of the drive when it goes in the disabled state. The default functionality is disabled, i.e. the ENABLE input becomes a general purpose input if the following TML instruction is executed by the drive: ENABLE_OFF = 1; The default functionality of the [...]

How to disable the ‘ENABLE’ input default functionality and use it as general I/Os2018-09-11T14:08:21+00:00