11 09, 2018

How to save and restore the user variable values


The values of the user variables are not saved in the EEPROM when the drive is reset or powered OFF. If this necessity occurs then the user can implement this functionality in a TML application. The applicaiton will contain the declaration of the variables and 2 functions - one for saving the variables and the other for restore the variables. After [...]

How to save and restore the user variable values2023-02-14T14:55:17+00:00
11 09, 2018

How to call a TML function from other axes


TML functions are code sequences stored in the TML program of a drive. They are associated to a name (which is the name of the label corresponding to the function) and an address (the start address of the function, i.e. the address of the label where the function starts). When a function is called from within the TML program [...]

How to call a TML function from other axes2018-09-11T14:05:27+00:00