Test Mode - TML Instructions and Data

Test Mode – TML Instructions and Data


REFTST_V        Maximum voltage reference. Measured in voltage units

REFTST_A        Maximum current reference. Measured in current units

RINCTST_V        Voltage reference increment at each slow-loop sampling period. Measured in voltage units / time units

RINCTST_A        Current reference increment at each slow-loop sampling period. Measured in current units / time units

THTST                Initial value for the electrical angle. Measured in electrical angle units

TINCTST        Electrical angle increment at each fast-loop sampling period. Measured in electrical angle increments units.



MODE VT                Set voltage test mode

MODE TT                Set torque test mode

UPD                        Update motion mode and parameters. Start motion


Programming Example

//Torque test mode, brushless AC motor. Drive IDM640-8EI

//with peak current 16.5A -> 32736 internal current units

//360° electric angle -> 65536 internal units

// fast loop sampling period = 0.1ms. Motor has 2 pole pairs

MODE TT; //Torque Test Mode

REFTST_A = 1984;//Reference saturation = 1[A]

RINCTST_A = 20;//Reference increment = 10[A/s]

THTST = 0;//Electric angle = 0[deg]

TINCTST = 7;//Electric angle increment ~= 2e+002[deg/s]

UPD; //update immediate


See also:

Test Mode – TML Programming Details

TML Description