Motion  Homing

The “Motion – Homing” dialog allows you choose for a slave axis a homing procedure and set its parameters. The homing is a sequence of motions, usually executed after power-on, through which the load is positioned into a well-defined point – the home position. Typically, the home position is the starting point for normal operation.

The search for the home position can be done in numerous ways. Therefore, a lot of homing procedures are possible. Technosoft provides a collection of up to 35 homing procedures which can be programmed on motion controller or intelligent drives/motors. The homing procedures are predefined TML functions, which you may call after setting the homing parameters. You may use these homing procedures as they are, or you may modify them according with your application needs. From the slave axis list with all the defined homing procedures you can choose one or several to be used in your application. This represents the list of selected homing procedures.  


Select the slave axis that will execute the homing routine from the Slave list.

Remark: The Slave list contains all the slaves selected in the Axis Selection window, including the motion controller. If there are no slaves selected then the homing procedure will be executed locally by the drive part of the motion controller.

Check Select homing parameters to set the following values:

Acceleration/deceleration rate for the position or speed profiles done during homing
Deceleration rate for quick stop when a limit switch is reached
High/normal speed for the position or speed profiles done during homing
Low speed for the final approach towards the home position
New home position set at the end of the homing procedure

Check Execute homing mode and choose a homing procedure from the list of the selected homing procedure. The homing procedure list is populated with the homing routines selected in the slave applications. The motion controller can stop the execution of its TML program and wait for homing to complete with then wait for homing to complete option. You can also define a time limit for the homing procedure to complete. Check Exit from the wait loop after a time equal with and specify the time limit. If the homing is not completed in the time limit, the wait loop is interrupted and the TML program passes to the next instruction.

Remark: The motion controller can abort a homing sequence execution at any moment by sending the TML command ABORT (see Decisions) to the slave axis.

When the homing is executed locally, i.e. there are no slave selected, you can use this dialogue to read the status of the home input. The home input is one of the motion controller or drive/motor inputs, which is used by the homing procedures. The home input is specific for each product and based on the setup data, EasyMotion Studio automatically generates the TML code for reading the correct input. Check Read home input in the variable and fill the associated field with the name of the variable. After execution, the value of the variable will be 0 if the home input is zero (low) or 1 if the home input is 1 (high).

Remark: The source of the motion sequence for reading the home input is general and independent. The particular value of the home input, specific for each product, occurs only in the compiled version of this motion sequence, in the TML code generated. Therefore, you can safely import the source code of this motion sequence into other applications where the target products have different home inputs.


OK: Close this dialogue and save the settings in your motion sequence list.

Cancel: Close this dialogue without saving the settings in your motion sequence list.

Help: Open this help page.


See also:

Homing – TML Programming Details

Homing – Related TML Instructions and data

Motion Programming

Internal Units and Scaling Factors