Homing Modes

This view allows you to choose the homing procedures associated with the selected application.


Technosoft provides for each intelligent drive/motor a collection of up to 32 homing procedures. These are predefined TML functions, which you may call after setting the homing parameters. You may use these homing procedures as they are, or you may modify them according with your application needs.

In this view you can see all the homing procedures defined for your drive/motor, together with a short description of how it works. In order to select a homing procedure, check its associated button. You may choose more then homing procedure, if you intend to use execute different homing operations in the same application. The selected homing modes appear in the project window left side selection tree, in the current application, as a sub-tree of the Homing Modes section. Select a homing procedure from this list. On the right side you’ll see the associated function in the Homing Procedures Edit. Here you can check and modify the contents of the selected homing procedure(s).

Remark: Only the selected homing modes are available as options in the Motion – Homing dialogue.

Once modified, a homing procedure is memorized together with the application. However, if you’ll create a new application, the homing procedure changes will are not preserved. If you want to preserve them, either create the new application by duplicating that with modified homing procedures, or load the entire motion from the application with modified homing procedures.

Press the Reload Default button to restore the default homing procedure.


See also:

Homing Modes Edit

Application – Motion