Logger - Arrange / Zoom / Import… / Export… / Export to WMF / Export to ASCII

Arrange (Auto, Horizontal, vertical)

The Arrange menu command allows you to define the position of the subplots on the Logger View. The command is effective if more than one subplot are defined. The following options are available:

Auto: use a default disposal of the subplots, depending on their number (2, 3 or 4).
Horizontal: the plot window is divided in horizontal regions for sub-plotting. The subplots are displayed in a row, from left to right, on the graphic window.
Vertical: the plot window is divided in vertical regions for sub-plotting. The subplots are displayed one below the other.


Zoom (In, Prev, Out)

The Zoom menu command allows you to select fixed zoom areas of the selected subplot on the Logger View. The following options are available:

In: zoom-in the graphical image of the first subplot
Prev: zoom-out one step the graphical image of the first subplot
Out: zoom-out back to the initial graphical image of the first subplot

In order to freely zoom any graphical image, you may use the mouse to select a part of the current subplot, allowing the zooming of the selected region. The selection is done by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the zoom cursor on the display surface (the movement is bound to the area of the subplot). On the release of the mouse button, the selected region is expanded to the dimension of the entire subplot. Successive zooms may be applied to any of the subplots.

Note that, when moving the mouse cursor, you can see, at the bottom of the graphic window, the coordinates on the left and right axes of the current cursor position on the screen. Thus, measurements may be done on the plots. If no region is selected for zooming, the plot is unchanged.

Double-click the left mouse button, with the mouse in the graphical area of a subplot, in order to zoom-out one level back from the currently displayed image.



Use the " Logger | Import…" menu command in order to load a pre-defined logger configuration into a special format file. Thus, all logger settings, including selected variables, pre-defined sub-plots contents, and other preferences (colors, etc), can be loaded, replacing the actual logger settings. This feature is useful in order to easily select a pre-defined preferred logger environment. Such files can be created by saving an already defined logger context, using the “Logger | Export…” menu command (see next paragraph).


Note that the command also loads the plotted variables graphs, as existing when the .lgs file was saved. Use the “Logger | Upload Data” menu command to load from the drive the current values for the selected variables.



Use the " Logger | Export…" menu command in order to save the actual logger configuration into a special format file. Thus, all logger settings, including selected variables, pre-defined sub-plots contents, and other preferences (colors, etc), can be saved on that file. This feature is useful in order to save pre-defined preferred logger environments. Such files can be latter-on loaded in order to re-create the same logger context, using the “Logger | Import…” menu command (see previous paragraph).


Note that the command also saves the actual plotted variables graphs. Use the “Logger | Upload Data” menu command to load from the drive the current values for the selected variables.


Export to ASCII

The Export to ASCII menu command will be used to save the actual values of all the uploaded variables values, on a file on the system disk, into a standard ASCII text format. A special dialog is opened, similar to the Export… one, which asks you to indicate the name of the ASCII file (its default extension is “.txt”). The saved file may then be examined, and also read and imported in different other programs as Excel, Word, etc.  The file will contain:

on the first line, the number n of saved curves, and the number m of saved points for each curve, separated by the TAB character
on the next m lines, n values for the saved curves on each line, separated by TAB characters. Each line contains variables values corresponding to a data logger X-axis instant (time sampling)


Export to WMF

The Export to WMF menu command will be used to save the actual graphic window contents to a file on the system disk, into a standard format, the Windows Metafile Format (or WMF). A special dialog is opened, similar to the Export… one, which asks the user to indicate the name of the metafile file (its default extension is “.WMF”). The saved file may then be imported in other Windows applications that have adequate graphic filters and recognize the metafile format. Thus, the graphics may be included in other documents; more text may be added to the plots, colors and other features may be changed.



The Print… menu command opens a dialogue which allows you to print the represented graphics.


Print Preview

The Print Preview menu command opens a new window allowing you to see how the graphics will look after the print.


Print Setup

The Print Setup command opens a dialogue with settings related to the printer, paper size and orientation.


See also:

Data Logger Utility