11 09, 2018

TML Registers, Parameters and Variables


Technosoft Motion Language (TML) works with the following categories of data: TML Registers TML Parameters TML Variables User Variables All TML data are identified by their name. The names of the TML registers, parameters or variables are predefined and do not require to be declared. The names of the user variables are can be any [...]

TML Registers, Parameters and Variables2024-05-27T13:26:05+00:00
11 09, 2018

Parameters related to the current, speed and position controllers


The current, speed or position controllers parameters can be changed online through the following parameters: 1. Current controller The proportional gain components Address KPI 0x0271 SFTKPI 0x0272   The formula used to compute the Kp parameter is:   Kp = KPI / 32767 * 2^SFTKPI where: KPI = 0 .... 32767 SFTKPI = 0 ... 14 The integral [...]

Parameters related to the current, speed and position controllers2023-02-15T08:12:39+00:00