11 09, 2018

The difference between the motor current and phase current


The "motor current" is the amplitude of the motor phase currents while the "phase current" represents the current measured on each of the motor phases. The picture below shows the motor current and the phase currents in case of a brushless motor, driven in sinusoidal mode. With red line is the current on the A [...]

The difference between the motor current and phase current2018-09-11T14:15:00+00:00
11 09, 2018

How to use the Logger from TML


The Logger is an evaluation tool, included in the EasyMotion Studio / Easy SetUp software, that starts automatically, when the "Run" button is pressed or when the "Start Logger" button is manually pressed. Sometimes these two starting modes are not enough because the Logger needs to be started at a specific point in the program [...]

How to use the Logger from TML2023-02-15T07:27:31+00:00