11 09, 2018

How you can achieve lower speeds


Since Technosoft have only digital drives, the lowest value of the internal units for the controllers is 1 [count/sampling]. Now let's take a look on the speed scaling factor : speed[rpm] = [60 / (4 x Nr_enc_lines x Ts_s[s])] x speed[counts/sampling], where Ts_s is the slow loop period. For example if we take an encoder of 2000 lines and a default sampling loop [...]

How you can achieve lower speeds2018-09-11T14:00:58+00:00
11 09, 2018

How to stop the motor vibrations at motion complete


The motor vibrations after the motion is completed are the caused by the tuning of the position controller which is too aggressive (the proportional part and derivative part are too high). In order to stop this vibration usually is recommended to re-tune again the drive/motor. If the application requires a fast respond , achieved with the [...]

How to stop the motor vibrations at motion complete2023-02-14T14:44:28+00:00
11 09, 2018

How to scale the analog reference to a 32-bit position reference


The reference from an analog input can have values from 0 to 65535, or from -32768 to +32767. Depending on the position feedback resolution,  this range can be insufficient, e.g. for a rotary incremental encoder with 2000 lines per revolution the analog input range corresponds to  +/- 4.096 rotations. The workaround for this limitation is using a TML [...]

How to scale the analog reference to a 32-bit position reference2020-03-18T09:30:21+00:00
11 09, 2018

General purpose low pass filter


The latest firmware of the iPOS line of intelligent drives and iMOT line of intelligent motors has introduced a low pass filter that can be applied to any 16 bits variable. The filter configuration is made by specifying the address of the variable that needs to be filtered and the filtering level. The corresponding parameters are VARFIL_ADR and VARFIL_CFG. Remark: The filtering [...]

General purpose low pass filter2018-09-11T13:59:15+00:00