WLSO (Slave), value32
Wait for slave’s Load Speed Over value32
WLSO (Slave,) VAR32
Wait for slave’s Load Speed Over VAR32
Operands | Slave: slave axis monitored for event occurrence |
VAR32: fixed variable
value32: 32-bit fixed immediate value

Binary code

Description | Sets the event condition and halts the execution of the TML program from motion controller until the load speed is equal or over the 32-bit value or the value of the specified fixed variable. After you have programmed an event, you can do the following actions: |
• | Change the motion mode and/or the parameters when the event occurs, with command UPD! |
• | Stop the motion when the event occurs, with command STOP. |
The programmed event is automatically erased when the event occurs or if the timeout for wait expires.
Execution | Activates the monitoring of the event when load speed >= value32, respectively VAR32. The motion controller application remains in a loop until the event on the slave axis occurs or it timeouts. This operation erases a previous programmed event that has occurred. |
//Stop motion when load speed > 600 rpm
//Load Position feedback: 500 lines encoder (2000 counts/rev)
WLSO (A) 20; //Set event: when load speed is > 600 rpm
STOP;//Stop motion on all axes