UPGRADE – Upgrade Register (configuration, R/W)

UPGRADE is a 16-bit status register, defining new options and extended features that are activated when their corresponding bits are set.

TML Address: 0x0857

Contents. UPGRADE information is structured as follows:


Bit 15 STPTBL. Setup table

0 =

Valid setup table is not required

1 =

Valid setup table is required

Bit 14 Reserved

Bit 13 TXBUFF. CAN-bus transmit buffer length

0 =

The length of CAN-bus transmit buffer is 1 messages

1 =

The length of CAN-bus transmit buffer is 5 messages

Bit 12 TINTQSTP. TML time interrupt/quickstop

0 =


1 =

Enable TML time interrupt and quickstop mode when a limit switch is reached

Bit 11 MCM. Motion complete mode

0 =

Motion complete set when the position reference arrives at the commanded position

1 =

Motion complete set when the position feedback arrives at the commanded position and remains in a settle band for a preset stabilize time interval

Bit 10 I2TPRT. I2T protection

0 =

One I2T protection common for drive and motor

1 =

Two I2T protections, one for drive and the other for the motor

Bit 9 IPOS. Initial positioning mode

0 =

Standard – wait time per phase up to 1s

1 =

Extended – wait time per phase up to 635s

Bit 8 IORW. I/O lines read/write

0 =

Simultaneous read /write of 4 general purpose inputs/outputs

1 =

Simultaneous read 4 general-purpose inputs and 3 dedicated inputs: Enable, LSP and LSN. Simultaneous set 4 general-purpose outputs and 2 dedicated outputs: Ready and Error.

Bit 7 ATIME. Absolute time start

0 =

After instruction ENDINIT

1 =

After power on

Bit 6 FSTSLW. Position/speed control mode

0 =

Position/speed control in slow loop

1 =

Position/speed control in fast loop

Bit 5 STBCRT. Standby current for step motors        

0 =


1 =


Bit 4 SPDCTR. Speed control error protection

0 =

Common with position control error protection

1 =

Separate control error protection for position and speed

Bit 3 REG. Registration mode

0 =


1 =


Bit 2 LMTSPDACC. Maximal speed/acceleration in motion modes: external, electronic gearing and electronic camming

0 =


1 =


Bit 1 STPMD. Stop mode for steppers

0 =


1 =


Bit 0 AREFLMT. Analogue reference

0 =

Symmetrical, only positive or only negative

1 =

Separately programmable upper and lower limits