SSR – Slave Status Register (status, RO)

SSR is a 32-bit status register containing information about slave axes initialization status, setup table status, firmware compatibility and slave presence in the CAN network.

TML Address: 0x07F2

Contents. SSR information is structured as follows:


Bit 31 HIERR. H slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 30 HIFW. H slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 29 HISTP. H slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 28 HDET. H slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 27 GIERR. G slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 26 GIFW. G slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 25 GISTP. G slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 24 GDET. G slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 23 FIERR. F slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 22 FIFW. F slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 21 FISTP. F slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 20 FDET. F slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 19 EIERR. E slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 18 EIFW. E slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 17 EISTP. E slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 16 EDET. E slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 15 DIERR. D slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 14 DIFW. D slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 13 DISTP. D slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 12 DDET. D slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 11 CIERR. C slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 10 CIFW. C slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 9 CISTP. C slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 8 CDET. C slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 7 BIERR. B slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 6 BIFW. B slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 5 BISTP. B slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 4 BDET. B slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected


Bit 3 AIERR. A slave initialization status

0 =

Initialization successful

1 =

Initialization error


Bit 2 AIFW. A slave firmware compatibility with motion controller

0 =

Firmware compatible

1 =

Firmware incompatible


Bit 1 AISTP. A slave invalid setup table

0 =

Setup table valid

1 =

Invalid setup table


Bit 0 ADET. A slave detection

0 =

Detected successfully

1 =

Not detected