MODE TC        Set torque contouring mode



MODE Torque Contouring



Binary code

DescriptionSets the drive/motor to operate in torque contouring mode. In the contouring modes, you can program an arbitrary path via a series of points. Between the points, linear interpolation is performed, leading to a contour described by a succession of linear segments. In the torque contouring, the drive/motor performs a torque control and the path represents a current reference.

Remark: The torque contouring mode has been foreseen for testing during the setup phase


The new motion mode becomes effective at the next update command UPD.



// current scaling: 1A = 1984 IU

MODE TC;                //Set Torque Contouring

REF0 = 992;                //Initial reference set to 0.5[A]

SEG 2999U, 0.06601;

UPD;                        //Execute immediate

SEG 1U, 0.03745;

SEG 1999U, 0.29800;

SEG 1U, 0.28970;

SEG 2999U, -0.26468;

SEG 1U, -0.22781;

SEG 0, 0.0;                //End of contouring