MODE PVT        Set PVT mode



MODE Position Velocity Time




Binary code

DescriptionSets the drive/motor to operate in the PVT mode. In this mode, the drive/motor performs a position control. The built-in reference generator computes a positioning path using a series of points. Each point specifies the desired Position, Velocity and Time, i.e. contains a PVT data. Between the PVT points the reference generator performs a 3rd order interpolation.


The new motion mode becomes effective at the next update command UPD.



// PVT sequence. Position feedback: 500 lines incremental

// encoder (2000 counts/rev)

MASTERID = 4081; // Set host address to 255 (255<<4+1)

SETPVT 0xC000;        //Clear PVT buffer, disable counter check

//Don’t change counter & buffer low condition        

MODE PVT; // Set PVT Mode

TUM1;//Start from actual value of position reference

CPR; // Relative mode

PVTP 400L, 60, 10U, 0;//PVT(0.2[rot], 1800[rpm], 0.01[s])

UPD; //Execute immediate

PVTP 400L, 0, 10U, 0;//PVT(0.4[rot], 0[rpm], 0.02[s])

!MC; WAIT!; //wait for completion