MODE PSC        Set S-curve mode



MODE Position S-curve



Binary code

DescriptionSets the drive/motor to operate in the S-curve profile mode. In this mode, the drive/motor performs a position control. The built-in reference generator computes a position profile with an S-curve shape of the speed. This shape is due to the jerk limitation, leading to a trapezoidal or triangular profile for the acceleration and an S-curve profile for the speed. You specify either a position to reach in absolute mode or a position increment in relative mode, plus the slew (maximum travel) speed, the maximum acceleration/deceleration rate and the jerk rate. The jerk rate is set indirectly via the jerk time, which represents the time needed to reach the maximum acceleration starting from zero


The new motion mode becomes effective at the next update command UPD.



// S-curve profile. Position feedback: 500 lines incremental

// encoder (2000 counts/rev)

TJERK = 50;//jerk = 2e+004[rad/s^3]

CACC = 0.3183;//acceleration rate = 1000[rad/s^2]

CSPD = 33.3333;//slew speed = 1000[rpm]

CPOS = 20000;//position command = 10[rot]

CPR; //position command is relative

MODE PSC; // set S-curve profile mode

SRB ACR, 0xFFFE, 0x0000; //Stop using an S-curve profile

UPD; //execute immediate

!MC; WAIT!; //wait for completion