MODE PC        Set position contouring mode



MODE Position Contouring




Binary code

DescriptionSets the drive/motor to operate in the position contouring mode. In the contouring modes, an arbitrary path is described via a series of points. Between the points, linear interpolation is performed, leading to a contour described by a succession of linear segments. In the position contouring, the drive/motor performs a position control and the path represents a position reference.


The new motion mode becomes effective at the next update command UPD.



// Position contouring with position feedback on motor: 500 lines

// incremental encoder (2000 counts/rev)

MODE PC;//Set Position Contouring

TUM1;//Start from actual value of position reference

SEG 100U, 20.00000;// 1st point

UPD; //Execute immediate

SEG 100U, 0.00000; // 2nd point

SEG 0, 0.0; //End of contouring