LPLANE                Define the coordinate system for Linear Interpolation Mode


LPLANE (X_axis, Y_axis, Z_axis)

Linear interpolation PLANE


OperandsX_axis, Y_axis, Z_axis: slave axes defining the coordinate system


Binary code


DescriptionSets the 2D/3D coordinate system for Linear Interpolation Mode using slave axes specified with X_axis, Y_axis and Z_axis.

// 2D linear interpolated profile. Position feedbacks: 500 lines

//incremental encoder

 SETMODE 0xCF00; //Clear buffer

 LPLANE (A, C);        //Slaves A and C define the coordinate system

 MODE LI; // Set Linear Interpolation Mode

 // Increment position with (X, Y) = (0.5[rot], 0.05[rot])

 LPOS1 1000L, 100L; LPOS2 1000L, 100L;

 UPD; //Execute immediate

 // Increment position with (X, Y) = (0.05[rot], 0.5[rot])

 LPOS1 100L, 1000L; LPOS2 100L, 1000L;

 // Increment position with (X, Y) = (0.5[rot], 0.1[rot])

 LPOS1 1000L, 200L; LPOS2 1000L, 200L;

 // Increment position with (X, Y) = (0.5[rot], 0.5[rot])

 LPOS1 1000L, 1000L; LPOS2 1000L, 1000L;