AXISON        Set the axis ON



AXIS is ON (activate control)



Binary code

DescriptionThe command activates the drive control loops, the reference generator and the PWM output commands for the power stage. The AXISON command restores the normal operation after an AXISOFF. It is typically used following a fault reset command FAULTR, or after the drive/motor Enable input goes from status disabled to status enabled.

When AXISON is set after an AXISOFF command, the reference generator resumes its calculations for last programmed motion mode from the same point left before the AXISOFF. If the load/motor has moved during AXISOFF, its actual values for position and speed may differ quite a lot from the values of the target position and speed provided by the reference generator. In order update the reference generator:

Set again the motion mode, even if it remains the same. The motion mode commands, automatically set the target update mode zero (TUM0), which updates the target position and speed with the actual measured values of the load position and speed
Execute update command UPD
Execute AXISON

If first AXISON is issued after power on before setting any motion mode, the drive applies zero voltages to the motor.



// Execute repetitive moves. After each one, set AXISOFF.

// Motor may move freely. Restart after 20s. Position

// feedback: 500 lines incremental encoder (2000 counts/rev)

CACC = 0.3183;//acceleration rate = 1000[rad/s^2]

CSPD = 33.3333;//slew speed = 1000[rpm]

CPOS = 6000;//position command = 3[rot]

CPA; //position command is absolute

Loop: MODE PP; // position profile

       CPOS += 6000; set new position command

UPD; //execute immediate

       AXISON;        //Activate the control loops and PWM outputs

!MC; // set event on motion complete

WAIT!;//Wait until the event occurs i.e. the motor stops

AXISOFF; //Deactivate the control loops and PWM outputs

!RT 20000;        //set a 20s delay (1s = 1000 slow loop samplings)

WAIT!;        //Wait until the event occurs (to pass the 20s)

GOTO Loop;        //Restart the motion